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Dog Park

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Did you know?

The City does NOT provide maintenance for the dog park. Dog park maintenance is entirely in the hands of the community.


Donate today to help us achieve our fundraising goals - you can donate specifically to the dog park below.

All donation amounts are welcome.

The most popular donation is a $75 annual donation, which makes you an Annual Sustaining Member of the dog park. Membership is optional, but it allows us to plan and work toward our goals.

Follow our Dog Park Instagram:


Or join our Facebook Group by searching for "Friends of Schuylkill River Dog Park"

Goal #1: $30,000

Repair and regular maintenance of the turf

Priority Projects

(estimated costs)

Goal #2: $30,000

Installation of fencing under the ramp

Goal #3: $200,000

Complete resurface the dog parks

Schuylkill River Dog Park

Our park is home to a destination dog park--one of the best dog parks in Philadelphia! The dog park has two separate dog runs, one for all dogs and one for older, disabled, and small dogs under 25 pounds. Both dog runs have patented K-9 Grass that lessens contagions, mess, and mud. The dog runs are attended daily by dozens of dogs and their happy owners who can choose to sit on benches, a wandering sitting wall or stand along side the K-9 grass on water permeable pavers that are also allow for easy care and high play. There's lots of fresh water available at all times by way of dog water fountains, and even some pools out in the summer for some lounging. Owners are encouraged to pay attention and make sure their dog is playing nicely with others.


There's also a Facebook page dedicated to this dog run: Friends of Schuylkill River Dog ParkAll members are encouraged to discuss rules, ask questions, and become better dog people. There are all kinds of dog professionals in this group including vets, trainers, groomers, and lovers to help maintain the best mental and physical health for your dog. There are meetups planned and other fun events to look forward to with you furry friends. 

Become a member!

You can become a dog park member for just $75 per year! Membership dues allow us to maintain the dog park year-round. 

Dog park membership is optional and you can enjoy the park no matter what your status; however, we are in the process of building a more robust dog park community and members will get more say in decisions made about the dog park.

Click the Donate button to donate through Zeffy. 

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